Tips On Reducing The Risk Of Breast Cancer

Beranda Thursday, July 14, 2011
Breast cancer is the disease most feared by women because it can cause death if diagnosed late. According to Dr. Marisa C. Weiss, as president and founder of, as quoted from ABCNews, breast cancer is the least reduction in families. Even in cases of breast cancer is strongly influenced by environment, lifestyle and choice of contraception.
But do not worry, Weiss said that there are 11 ways you can do to reduce risk, as reported by ABC.

1.Reduce the use of drugs such as hormones increase, contraceptive contraceptive device (IUD) and artificial lubricants for vaginal dryness.

2. .Memiliki berat badan yang sehat dan menjaga dari berlebihan atau kurang, sehingga mengurangi salah satu faktor risiko untuk kanker payudara

3. Exercise regularly during the hours of 3-4 in at least one week, but if it can add hours of training will be much better.

4.Avoiding alcohol, according to a 2007 study known as the incidence of breast cancer increases if you consume alcohol.

5. Stop smoking and avoid exposure to smoke and places that have exposure to cigarette smoke.

6. Exposed to a little sunshine to get vitamin D. Ask your doctor, how many doses are appropriate. Usually the city does not have enough vitamin D dose. In addition to getting used to running outside ruanga, taking supplements of vitamin D3, fish oils and dairy products are a good alternative.

7. Return your diet. Having a healthy diet with reduced fried foods, fast food or packaged ready for use. Expand and eating fruits and vegetables that have been washed in advance.

8. Avoid cooking or heating food in plastic containers or PANDI that can cause harmful chemical substances can be exposed to hot air. Consider stainless steel, ceramic or metal to cook and serve food meyimpan.

9. consume water that has been thoroughly cooked as well as through penyaringa

10. Had enough sleep patterns and quality every day. Adequate sleep may improve and maintain your immune system.

11.Always choose a safe household products, such as avoiding the use of pesticides and other products known to contain hazardous chemicals.
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